Winnipeg Police Association

Protecting What Matters


Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba (CHFM) Champion Child Brady Bobrowich, and CEO, Stefano Grande, accepts a $45,000 cheque from Winnipeg Police Association president Moe Sabourin (second right) – proceeds from the 2019 WPA Charity Ball. On hand for the presentation was Brady’s sister Brooke (left), mom Corinne and father Brad (right). This brings the total raised from North America’s longest running Policeman’s Ball to $695,000.

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As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 TELUS Manitoba Motorcycle Ride for Dad (MRFD), originally scheduled for May 30, has been moved to Saturday, October 3. "The health and safety of Riders, volunteers and sponsors is our first priority," said Kirk Van Alstyne, Co-Chair, MRFD. "We are hopeful the current necessity of social distancing will be a distant memory by Fall. This is our 12th Ride for Dad in Manitoba and we know once we defeat this virus our pledge donors and supporters will come through to fight prostate cancer as they have done year after year."

WINNIPEG, MB: Maurice (Moe) Sabourin, President, Winnipeg Police Association (WPA), is pleased to announce proceeds from the 2019 WPA Charity Ball totalling $45,000 has been donated to the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba (CHFM). Joining Sabourin for the cheque presentation today were, George Van Mackelbergh, Vice-President, WPA and Stefano Grande, President & CEO, Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba.

WINNIPEG, MB: The arbitrator hearing the Winnipeg Police Association’s (WPA) grievance against the City of Winnipeg regarding Mayor Bowman’s plan to unilaterally cut pension benefits has just issued a decision upholding our position, faulting the political leadership of the City, and awarding the WPA $40,000 in damages, as well as an additional $400 in damages to each of our members.

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and to help contain the virus, the Winnipeg Police Association (WPA) has cancelled the 2020 WPA Charity Ball in Support of the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba (CHFM), originally scheduled for Saturday, April 25. The official announcement will be made Monday, March 30 in a news release detailing a donation of $45,000 to the CHFM from the 2019 WPA Charity Ball.

We are all hopeful for a successful end to this pandemic in the short-term.

Next year’s WPA Charity Ball will take place, Saturday April 24, 2021.

WINNIPEG, MB: The Winnipeg Police Association (WPA) expressed disappointment today following a close 9-7 vote by Winnipeg City Council to pursue Mayor Brian Bowman’s reckless and legally risky plan to unilaterally cut the WPA’s pension benefits.

WINNIPEG, MB: Winnipeg Police Association (WPA) President Maurice ‘Moe’ Sabourin submitted an open letter to the members of Winnipeg City Council today urging them to uphold the City of Winnipeg’s collective agreement with the WPA and reject the legally risky approach being taken by Mayor Bowman to unilaterally cut the pension benefits of WPA members and their families.

WINNIPEG, MB: Facing a unilateral and high-handed attack by Mayor Brian Bowman and the City of Winnipeg Administration on their collective bargaining agreement, the Winnipeg Police Association (WPA) has filed a grievance in order to protect the interests of its members and their families. The grievance was filed following today’s Executive Policy Committee meeting that moved forward with a report attempting to cut pension benefits of WPA members.

Before he was elected Mayor of Winnipeg, Brian Bowman was a lawyer. With this in mind, it is surprising to see him trying now to rip-up the collective agreement with the Winnipeg Police Association (WPA) in an attempt to force unilateral changes to the Winnipeg Police Service (WPS) Pension Plan. It is the clearest sign yet that his priorities are out-of-touch with the reality on the ground in Winnipeg.

Winnipeg, MB: A violent and bloody weekend in Winnipeg that left three people dead and five people in hospital is just the latest example of why more police resources are urgently needed to keep people safe.