Winnipeg Police Association

Protecting What Matters

Winnipeg, MB: The Winnipeg Police Association (WPA) today released the following statement in response to Winnipeg City Council’s decision to approve the negotiated agreement between the WPA, the Winnipeg Police Service (WPS) and the City of Winnipeg to provide our members with access to a secure parking facility downtown at market rates:

"Safe working conditions are a core responsibility for every employer, including the City of Winnipeg. The lack of secure parking downtown has been a long-term concern for our membership, and there have been a number of serious incidents where WPS members and staff have been targeted by criminal elements.

The solution that was approved by City Council today to finally resolve the issue was the result of a collaborative negotiation process involving the management of the WPA, the WPS, and the City administration. We are pleased that an overwhelming majority of City Council voted to uphold our negotiated agreement – an agreement that is supported by the Chief of Police, that provides our members with access to the safe and secure parking they clearly require, and that ensures the City of Winnipeg receives parking payments at market rates.

We thank the members of Council who voted today to support appropriate and safe working conditions for our members, to recognize the positive contributions our members and staff make to our community, and to show a willingness to build a constructive relationship by resolving an outstanding grievance."

Jeremy Cull
Vice President
Winnipeg Police Association

(204) 957-1579 office
(204) 232-1021 cell
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